Archive for the ‘Videos / ビデオ’ Category

An hour later the clouds began to lift and we saw the complete Annapurna Range.

Annapurna Base Camp in sunshine

Glacier and Annapurna I.

Annapurna I

Mountains at ABC.

Click on the little photo for the full effect!

We woke up early, excited about seeing the sunrise but it was cloudy.  During the night the temperature inside our room had been minus 6 degrees.

Julian decided to undertake a serious scientific experiment on climate change.

Golden Annapurna III

The result of Julian’s scientific experiment!

Julian played with some Japanese men we met.  The video then looks down into the glacier before panning round to where Annapurna I should be!!

Looking down into the South Annapurna Glacier.

Looking across the glacier at the valley wall opposite.

The morning started fine for the two hour walk from Machhapuchhre Base Camp to Annapurna Base Camp.

Annapurna III

Julian and Narayan having a rest.

More trekkers continued to come down after seeing the sunrise.

Julian found an icicle…

and some ice.

The morning turns cloudy.

By noon we had made it to Annapurna Base Camp.  But the bad weather was chasing us as we found our lodge.

Prayer flags and cairns at ABC with the four lodges in the background.

The weather became worse in the afternoon.

By evening it was snowing.

These photos were taken on 14th November as we walked from Machhapuchhre Base Camp (MBC) to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC).

Our lodge at MBC.  The clouds of the previous day had lifted.

Looking back towards MBC.  Yes, that’s it!

Julian with the Annapurna range behind him.

Peter from Austria, who was a day ahead of us, walks down from seeing a fantastic sunrise at Annapurna Base Camp.

Did you see the Moon?

Do you still think these things just happen by accident?

Sunrise over Machhapuchhre.


今日、ポクラの ゆうびんきょくにいきました。 そしたら てがみが にまいとどいていました。なかみをみたら、みんあからのメセジがかいてありました。 どもありがとうございました。

Today we went to the post office where I had sent Julian’s Poste Restante letters. It was small, there were only three people behind the counter and one customer being served. We were ignored for a few minutes but eventually a young woman gestured us forward. For most of our conversation she thought I wanted to send something to Japan not collect something from Japan. She went and spoke to an older man who just waved his hand and said a few gruff words. The upshot was we were in the wrong post office and so the woman showed us on a map where the real post office was. And guess what, it’s right by our hotel and our 10 minute taxi ride (with the usual mix of hooting and near death experiences) across town was for nothing! We found the second post office and after our second confusing conversation of the day with a young Nepalese woman were directed to a huge building across the road which had barbed wire all around it! They must take the security of frivalous letters from Japan very seriously. Five minutes later we emerged clutching the two envelopes and recorded the short film. We were both amazed that the parcels had made it to Pokhara and that they hadn’t been too difficult to find. Then we headed off to find somewhere to eat a late breakfast.